quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2016

What does it mean? Estriguinar



Estriguinar is a Brazilian slang that, although it's not outdated, it's not widely known by all native Brazilians. As a matter of fact, it's not even known by most dictionaries. It's very used in rap songs from Brasília.

Estriguinar means to go nuts, to freak out. It can happen either as the result of a bad temper or as the by-product of severe drug intoxication.

It can also be written either as estriquinar or estraquinar, but estriguinar is more common. My folk etymology instints tell me this word was derived from traquinas, which means somebody that pulls a lot of pranks ( generally a kid ).

This was taken from a rap song called Insaneou, by Tribo da Periferia:

Então quem merece o céu? 
é a vítima, ou o polícia? 
O juíz ou réu? 
Então seja o que quiser que o bagulho estriguinou

Who deserves the sky? 
is it the victim, or the police? 
is it the judge, or the defendant? 
So be whatever you want because all hell broke loose 
( or instead: because everything went nuts )

É legal você não ligar pra dinheiro
Só que também não sabe o que quer
Gosta de contrariar e estriguinar
Se está calor você sente frio
Se é pra descer, você quer voar

It's cool that you don't care about money
But you don't know what you want either
You like to quarrel and to throw tantrums
If it's hot you feel cold
If you must go down, you want to fly 

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